Terabytes to Gigabytes Converter


How to Use a Converter from TB to GB

Want to convert Terabytes to Gigabytes? Don’t go further!

  • In the Terabyte entry box, insert the value. 
  • Either click CONVERT or hit ENTER. 
  • The online calculator will precisely process the conversion and show the outcome. 
  • For simplicity, copy the outcome to the clipboard. 
  • All you have to do is click the Switch ⇄ icon to flip the converter. 

You can experiment with alternative data conversions with these converters because they typically allow you to swap between various units in the options list. With our free TB to GB converter, I hope you like it. 

What is the Gigabyte-to-Terabyte ratio?

Comprehending the distinction between binary and decimal measures for terabytes (TB) and gigabytes (GB) is critical. In the decimal system, one Terabyte is equivalent to 1000 Gigabytes. 1 TB is equal to 10^3 GB, commonly called the SI (International System of Units) definition. 

What is the gigabyte size of a terabyte?

One Terabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes in the binary format that is frequently used in computing. In this instance, 1 TB is equivalent to 2 x 10 GB, a concept known as base 2. When compared to decimal form, the Terabyte is marginally bigger when used in this scenario. 

This distinction affects digital storage in particular since it affects how capacity is sold and determined. You will have a little less storage capacity if you apply the binary format to determine the volume of your 1 Terabyte hard disk due to this variance in terminology. 

What are gigabytes and terabytes?

Digital storage is measured in fundamental units called TB and GB. These units, essential markers in evaluating the vast areas of detail we encounter, are used to measure data throughout the digital age.

What does a terabyte mean?

The Terabyte (TB) represents a large computer memory unit. One trillion bytes equals one Terabyte, To put things into perspective. Because of its enormous storage space, it is a commonly used metric to gauge the size of large databases, such as data center servers and high-capacity drives. 

To put it practically, consider a TB as the amount of space that can hold enormous amounts of digital data. It is the location for storing, retrieving, and processing considerable datasets, massive multimedia groups, and their essential data. Thousands of high-resolution images, hours of HD video, or endless documents can all fit into one Terabyte. 

What does a Gigabyte mean?

A gigabyte, or GB, is a digital data storage unit representing one billion bytes. Despite appearing small in comparison to its larger equivalent, the TB, the GB is anything but inconsequential. 

GB is the standard measurement unit used in common technology to determine the storage capacity of various digital devices. It is the fundamental unit of your digital existence, appearing in everything from the memory of your smartphone to the hard drive in your desktop computer to the external storage options you utilize.

To put it in perspective, a GB can hold a library of files, hundreds of high-resolution pictures, or several hours of video. It’s where your software programs live, your music library is housed, and your priceless memories are safely stored. 

TB and GB are the two main components of the digital storage market. Knowing these units can help you make sensible choices about storing information in this data-driven period, whether managing large data repositories or preserving your digital valuables.

TB to GB: A Calculation Guide

Let’s start with converting Terabytes to Gigabytes now that we have a firm understanding of what TB and GB mean in digital storage. This converter from TB to GB is crucial when determining how much storage is needed for different digital systems and devices. 

Base 2 TB to GB conversion 

The base 2 system, sometimes the binary system, is the industry standard for digital storage and computation. Use this simple technique to convert TB to GB in this binary system:


How It Operates 

  • Ten thousand megabytes (MB) make up one gigabyte. 
  • A Terabyte is equivalent to 1024 Gigabytes. 

Using a computing system or storage device having a capacity of 1 Terabyte, which you would want to represent in Gigabytes, is an example that will demonstrate this converter: 


Thus, a 1 TB memory unit under the binary framework equals a powerful 1024 GB. 

It is essential to comprehend this converter, mainly when working with large-scale data retention contexts like determining server capacity or information center storage requirements. It guarantees that you correctly understand and convey the storage capacity consistently. 

Advanced Tools for Complex Conversion

Although converting TB to GB is quite simple, there is more to data transit and storage than just these quantities. Petabytes (PB), Exabytes (EB), and Zettabytes (ZB) are three examples of more sophisticated conversions that you may encounter in specific situations requiring higher data quantities or various teams. There is sophisticated converting software and tools available for such situations that can easily handle the intricacy. 

Excel Formula for Converting TB to GB 

Excel has a simple method for converting TB to GB for people who like to work with spreadsheets. This is how you can format your Excel sheet: 

1Terabyte (TB)Gigabyte (GB)
21=A2 1,000

When you write the formula “=A2 1,000” in cell B2, Excel will determine the equivalent GB based on the amount entered in cell A2. 

The Importance of Storage Facilities

Knowing the distinction between GB and TB is crucial in various situations. Understanding the relationships between these components can help you avoid confusion while handling information for your company, increasing the storage on your desktop or laptop, or developing a cloud-based storage solution. 

Accuracy is essential in fields involving data. For most practical uses, decimal-based conversions are appropriate when converting between TB and GB. In some specific situations, a binary-based units standard is frequently employed in addition to the decimal system, mainly when working with big datasets. 

Binary sizes Tebibyte and Gibibyte are marginally different from TB and GB. 

Tebibyte (TiB)= 1,024 Gibibytes (GiB) 

Gibibyte (GiB)= 1,024 Mebibytes (MiB) 

When working with such exact measurements, you must utilize the proper units of measure. 


With the binary format, a TB equals 1024 GB, offering an easy way to convert TB to GB. Large-scale data communication calls for precision and clarity in digital storage capacity, which are made possible by current technology. The knowledge and conversion formula are priceless. 


What differentiates Gigabytes From Terabytes? 

Their capacity is where they diverge most. One billion bytes are in gigabytes, and one trillion are in terabytes. 

Why Does Storage Matter in GB and TB? 

The terms GB and TB indicate the maximum quantity of digital data that can be stored. 

What Makes MB And GB Different From One Another? 

Megabytes typically store documents and photographs, while gigabytes store larger files and programs. 

What Disturbances Exist Between KB And MB? 

Megabytes are a larger storage unit than kilobytes for documents, images, and video files. 

Table of TB to GB Conversion

Terabytes (TB)Gigabytes (GB)Terabytes (TB)Gigabytes (GB)Terabytes (TB)Gigabytes (GB)
1 TB1024 GB34 TB34816 GB67 TB68608 GB
2 TB2048 GB35 TB35840 GB68 TB69632 GB
3 TB3072 GB36 TB36864 GB69 TB70656 GB
4 TB4096 GB37 TB37888 GB70 TB71680 GB
5 TB5120 GB38 TB38912 GB71 TB72704 GB
6 TB6144 GB39 TB39936 GB72 TB73728 GB
7 TB7168 GB40 TB40960 GB73 TB74752 GB
8 TB8192 GB41 TB41984 GB74 TB75776 GB
9 TB9216 GB42 TB43008 GB75 TB76800 GB
10 TB10240 GB43 TB44032 GB76 TB77824 GB
11 TB11264 GB44 TB45056 GB77 TB78848 GB
12 TB12288 GB45 TB46080 GB78 TB79872 GB
13 TB13312 GB46 TB47104 GB79 TB80896 GB
14 TB14336 GB47 TB48128 GB80 TB81920 GB
15 TB15360 GB48 TB49152 GB81 TB82944 GB
16 TB16384 GB49 TB50176 GB82 TB83968 GB
17 TB17408 GB50 TB51200 GB83 TB84992 GB
18 TB18432 GB51 TB52224 GB84 TB86016 GB
19 TB19456 GB52 TB53248 GB85 TB87040 GB
20 TB20480 GB53 TB54272 GB86 TB88064 GB
21 TB21504 GB54 TB55296 GB87 TB89088 GB
22 TB22528 GB55 TB56320 GB88 TB90112 GB
23 TB23552 GB56 TB57344 GB89 TB91136 GB
24 TB24576 GB57 TB58368 GB90 TB92160 GB
25 TB25600 GB58 TB59392 GB91 TB93184 GB
26 TB26624 GB59 TB60416 GB92 TB94208 GB
27 TB27648 GB60 TB61440 GB93 TB95232 GB
28 TB28672 GB61 TB62464 GB94 TB96256 GB
29 TB29696 GB62 TB63488 GB95 TB97280 GB
30 TB30720 GB63 TB64512 GB96 TB98304 GB
31 TB31744 GB64 TB65536 GB97 TB99328 GB
32 TB32768 GB65 TB66560 GB98 TB100352 GB
33 TB33792 GB66 TB67584 GB99 TB101376 GB
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